A mother's diary

Auteur : Claie Aventur Catégorie : Nouvelles
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Résumé du livre

Every day, for love, I trusted my surrogate mother to see through the day and hold on to my journey, with bravery. Today, through my diary, I share with you my sor-rows, my fears, my joys… By means of courage, love and faith; The wish to live, to give life and to make this life a success, not the one which was designated to you/wanted for you.

A propos de l'auteur

Native from the Caribbean, I started to write to free myself on free pages, notebooks…and by testifying. Born from a denied pregnancy in 1974, I now dare to say that this is not an end. This life which started by grazing death, This life which awaits you with open arms, Step by Step, this life will not let you go. Despite a heavy past, I hang in there, I persevered.

Description technique
Editeur : Les Éditions du Net Date de parution : 18/12/2013 EAN13 : 9782312018997 Format : 120 x 190 Poids : 68 g Nombre de pages : 62
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